Do you have any concerns or recommendations about how the President or policymakers who receive the briefing interact with the IC?

Spytainment & PDB

Take a few moments and answer the following two-part question. The best answers will consist of no more than a comprehensive paragraph or two (citations are not necessary) reflecting upon core readings, issues, and dynamics seen throughout the course in addition to your own perspective and experiences. You may also comment on other responses if you so choose but this is not required.

Part One: List 2-3 of your key takeaways from our readings this week regarding PDB’s. For example, what did you find the most interesting? Was there anything that surprised you? Do you have any concerns or recommendations about how the President or policymakers who receive the briefing interact with the IC?

Part Two: If you could recommend an addition to the movie/tv list in the syllabus (July 29), what would it be and why?