Post your draft Technology Selection Study Recommendation Paper as an attachment to your reply to this Discussion Topic.

Technology Selection Exercise
This discussion question is part of the Analysis of Alternatives evaluation exercise.

This week, you are acting in the role of “staff members” who are writing technology selection recommendations for consideration by the Chief Technology Officer and Chief Security Officer. They will, in turn, choose the best of the best for presentation to the company’s senior managers as part of the approval and funding process for pilot implementations and other formal evaluations of the selected technologies.

1.  Post your draft Technology Selection Study Recommendation Paper as an attachment to your reply to this Discussion Topic. (You may make changes to this draft prior to submitting it for grading via your assignment folder.)

2. Review the draft papers. Before Tuesday, post a critique for two (2) or more of these selection papers including your evaluation of how well the students justified their recommendations.

3. Different selection papers (reply in their threads) which contain your vote for the best technology selection recommendations. Along with your vote, provide a brief one paragraph justification for your choice. (These count as your follow-up postings to your peers.)