What is meant by appreciation and depreciation of a currency?

Philippine Peso Currency

Read the article provided at the link. It covers the changes in the value of the Philippine peso from its independence from the United States in1946 through recent times. You will summarize the article and analyze its content in terms of our Week 4 study of international financial markets. Answer the following questions: What is meant by appreciation and depreciation of a currency? What are some reasons that a currency such as the Philippine peso depreciates? What are the effects of currency depreciation for Philippine exporters, importers and consumers?

The article review should contain a minimum of two citations to at least two distinct authoritative references used. (Wikipedia is NOT an authoritative source!) You must provide a reference list at the end of the article review in addition to including in-text citations in the body of the article review to identify where resources are used. The article review and further analysis should contain a minimum of 500 words, excluding cover page/references section, and should follow the most current edition of APA formatting.