Explain how happiness influences a working-memory process or processes

Integration of Cognitive and Affective Processes

Answer each part clearly and directly. Scienttific references only (ncbi is always a good one) no wikipedia, dissertation, or non educational sources. (page limit: 2)

Based on course materials or credible, published sources (e.g., textbooks, articles) you find on your own, provide and discuss two examples of how emotion may affect working memory processes. For each example, you should:

Definition: Working memory- the small amount of information that can be held in mind and used in the execution of cognitive tasks (not long term memory, not saved).

Page #EMOTION: Anxiety

(1) State what the emotion (or emotion-related phenomenon) is.

(2) Explain how anxiety influences a working-memory process or processes.

(3) Provide an example from a published study that supports your answer (briefly include the authors’ names, methods, and findings).

Page #2

EMOTION: Happiness

(1) State what the emotion (or emotion-related phenomenon) is.

(2) Explain how happiness influences a working-memory process or processes.

(3) Provide an example from a published study that supports your answer (briefly include the authors’ names, methods, and findings).