What would you do if you were placed in those circumstances again? Write 4 professionally written sentences for full credit.

Part 1

TX BON Rule 217.11, Standards of Nursing Practice, is what the BON expects of you as a practicing nurse.  Define TX BON rule 217.11 in your own words. Why is this important?
Write 4 professionally written sentences for full credit.

Part 2

Patient safety is always our number one priority. A nurse has a duty to the patient to ensure safety. The “most important” actions a nurse can take is to follow the Rule 217.11 (1) (T) which- “holds the nurse accountable to accept only those assignments that are within the nurse’s educational preparation, experience, knowledge, and physical and emotional ability.” Now that you are familiar with this rule, describe a time in which you were in a situation that violated this rule. What would you do if you were placed in those circumstances again? Write 4 professionally written sentences for full credit.

Part 3

Fill in the blanks

Complete the following fill in the blank sentences from your Module 2 Chapter 15 reading requirement. Each answer is worth 5 points.

1). Law and nursing are both professions devoted to helping patients/clients and society by

advocating for ______________ improvements and justice.

2). The nurse has a _____________ to practice competently and to possess the knowledge, skills, and

abilities required for lawful, safe, and effective practice.

3). Informed consent cases are a type of _ suit.

4). In terms of accountability, nurses must take responsibility for their actions and the actions of

others involved in the _process.