Hobbes argues that parental power derives from an implied contract between children and parents. Discuss what he means by this. What is tacit consent, and what roles does it play in Hobbes’s conception of the family?

Aristotle believe

David Benatar argues that “being brought into existence is not a benefit but always a harm.” Why does he think this is so? What roles does self-deception play in all of this? Lastly, it has been argued that if Benatar is right, then there is little reason to refrain from committing suicide. How might Benatar respond to this claim?

LaFollette argues that the state should require all parents to be licensed. First, discuss the argument LaFollette advances in support of this claim. Second, discuss at least one theoretical objection to his argument, and discuss how LaFollette replies to the objection you consider in this essay.

Why does Plato believe that the ideal state cannot coexist with the private family? Why does Plato believe that although guardians cannot have private families, the producers (the economic class) ought to be allowed to have families? Why does Aristotle believe David Benatarthat Plato’s argument of common rearing among the guardians is impossible?

(5) Hobbes argues that parental power derives from an implied contract
between children and parents. Discuss what he means by this. What is
tacit consent, and what roles does it play in Hobbes’s conception of the
family? When it comes to children, what problems are there for believing in
tacit consent?