Briefly describe each a study. Include a description of the results of the studies and the correlational relationship reported.

Strengths and Limitations of Correlational Design

1. Choose a Forensic Psychology: An Empirical Review of Experimental Research.” Focus on the strengths and limitations of empirical and correlational design.

2. Select a research articles covering different topic areas, both of which use a correlational design.

3. Think about the strengths and limitations of the correlational design used in each of the two research articles you chose.


1. Briefly describe each a study. Include a description of the results of the studies and the correlational relationship reported.

2. Explain the strengths and limitations of using a correlational design in each of the studies.

3. Be sure to address the following in your assignment:

Discuss correlation and what it means.

-Summarize 1 article and how it’s utilized a correlation approach.

– Discuss the strengths of the correlation approach in the articles.

– Discuss the weaknesses of the correlation approach in the articles.