What are the factors, laws, or standards that can limit the amount of methane production in the landfill? (Your total response for Part B should be at least 200 words.

Advanced Solid Waste Management

1) A community generates 225 tons of municipal solid waste per year.

a. What is the actual average annual production of methane that a community should expect from the landfill operation in BTU per year? (For Part A, show all of your work.)
b. What are the factors, laws, or standards that can limit the amount of methane production in the landfill? (Your total response for Part B should be at least 200 words.)

2) Use the treatment options in Table 8-11 (p. 357) that list biological and physical/chemical operations for treating leachate generated from a landfill to answer the following questions. (Your total responsibility for all parts of this question should be at least 300 words.)

a. Recommend a treatment train that uses one biological and one physical-chemical operation. Provide your reason for making this recommendation.
b. In what order would you put these units? Describe your reasoning for your prescribed order.
c. If your proposed treatment scheme does not meet the prescribed permit discharge limits for the facility, what post-treatment technology would you recommend ensuring that discharge limits are met. Provide your reasons for your technology selection.
d. For each part of the question, be sure to explain what law and standards factor into your recommendation or reasoning.