Explain the feasibility and success of human mission to mars

Explain the feasibility and success of human mission to mars

The paper must be for the government, policy makers, financial backers, the public and the press, introducing the medical and technological challenges of human space travel and exploration, and detailing health and technological risk reduction strategies. Note that by the time of assessment, there will be a lunar outpost/settlement of at least 30 people with the capability to receive and send people and cargo from Mars, before sending them back to Earth.The journey will be planned during the closest approaches of the Earth-Mars-Earth, cutting the travel to 6 months and a stay on the planetary surface for at least a year and half. Specifically, the paper must address any health and logistics issues that the crew might experience after landing on Mars and experiencing a 1/3 Earth gravity.Health impacts on the human body caused by long-duration missions in the space environment and how those impacts may affect mission execution and mission success. At least 10 references.Arial or Times New Roman styles in 11 or 12-point black font.

Page margins = 1 inch on all sides.Typewritten in double-spaced format.