Examine the effectiveness of problem-based team case studies in achieving positive learning outcomes in a multisite study.

Engage in Scholarship of Teaching Marilyn Frenn, PhD, RN, CNE, FTOS, ANEF, FAAN The CNE Test Plan lists the following for the area of Engage in Scholarship of Teaching: Engage in Scholarship of Teaching Exhibit a spirit of inquiry about teaching and learning, student development, and evaluation methods. Use evidence-based resources to improve and support teaching. Participate in research activities related to nursing education. Share teaching expertise with colleagues and others. Demonstrate integrity as a scholar. The activities noted in the detailed CNE® test blueprint for Category 6B reflect the nurse educator’s role related to the scholarship of teaching. As noted, there are five major areas covered in this section, each equally important to the scholarship of teaching. EXHIBIT A SPIRIT OF INQUIRY ABOUT TEACHING AND LEARNING, STUDENT DEVELOPMENT, AND EVALUATION METHODS

1.Which action best demonstrates the scholarship of discovery? A) Conducts an original research study that results in the identification of new knowledge. B)Designs learning models that facilitate learner application of previous knowledge. C)Uses a variety of teaching methods to actively engage learners.d)Applies evidence in service as an organizational leader.
2.Based on Boyer’s Model of Scholarship, which faculty activity fulfills a scholarship of discovery? A)Develop a criterion-referenced examination using items written at the application and analysis level of Bloom’s taxonomy.
b)Share at a state conference expertise on the application of genetics in nursing.
c)Evaluate a novice in the nursing college using a self-developed rubric based on educational research.
D)Examine the effectiveness of problem-based team case studies in achieving positive learning outcomes in a multisite study.
3.A new faculty member would like to better engage in the scholarship of teaching. Which is the best action to initiate? A) Run or a faculty senator position. b)Organize an ethnocentric learning experience. C)Present the outcomes of a service-learning project. D)Practice as a registered nurse one weekend a month.
4. A nurse educator has accepted an appointment as a Strategic Steering Committee member at the National League for Nursing. Which scholarship role is the nursing educator fulfilling?
a) Application
5.Which activity would a nurse educator use in a portfolio to demonstrate the Scholarship of Application?
A) Evaluations of the work by colleagues that was published in a refereed journal.b) Any type of service, such as volunteering at the animal shelter every week all year c)Reporting on a health fair for the community so that students could interact with people c)Description of how the work broadened the professor’s understanding of the field.
6. Which would provide the best example of evidence-based teaching? A) Developing an educational innovation based on one’s own BSN student experience b)Conducting a literature review using established criteriac) Teaching the course as it always has been taught d)Teaching the course without regard to student perspectives.
7.What would best demonstrate sharing of teaching expertise? A) Course syllabi for the past seven years b)Educational programs the educator has attended c)Transcripts demonstrating course work related to nursing education d) The educator’s publications related to evaluated teaching innovations
8.A student stated the intention not to inform a patient about aspects of health care that were incongruent with the student’s religious beliefs. The nurse educator provides feedback to the student that client autonomy must be respected. What best describes this feedback? A) This demonstrates integrity as a scholar, since protecting client autonomy is included in professional nursing ethics.b) The nurse educator violated the student’s rights to free speech by providing this feedback.c) The faculty member should insist that the student change the religious belief or be removed from the program. D)Client autonomy must be respected only if the client is being asked to participate in research.
9.The nurse educator wants to include current students in a study the educator is planning to conduct. Which statement about education research bears on this situation?
a)Since this is part of the faculty role, no review for protection of human subjects is required. B)The nurse educator must pay students involved in research. C)The nurse educator hires a research assistant who collects consent documents approved by the institutional review board and does not see the deidentified data until the semester has ended.d) Since the information collected is so important, all students are informed that they must participate.
1.What has the National League for Nursing done to foster development of nursing education science? A)Fund nursing education research b)Establish priorities for nursing education research. C)A and B d)Neither A nor B