Organic Chem Formal Lab Report
State the reaction that was done, how the product was purified, and how the product was analyzed. State the percent yield.
Draw the overall reaction (not the mechanism). You must come up with the drawing yourself (by hand or electronically). Do not copy it from anywhere.
Summarize the chemical hazards.
Write a formal procedure for this experiment based on what you did in lab, using your values (initial and final masses, etc.). The balances had 4 decimal places, so should your values, and they should match the numbers you wrote in your notebook from your observations. If they do not match, points will be deducted.
Show your calculations for theoretical and percent yield based on your values from lab.
List IR peaks, assign them, and state the significance of them. Discuss any significant peaks missing (compare starting material and product). Attach your IR.
Discuss the mechanism of this reaction, how the product was purified, and any factors that would impact your percent yield. Discuss the purity of your product based on IR. Based on your results, suggest any changes that should be made in the future to improve the yield and/or purity. Include one peer-reviewed source somewhere in your discussion. Cite it using ACS style.
Formatting: Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman pt 11-12, 1 in margins. Add pages numbers and your last name as a header to each page (excluding the first page). Citation should be added as a reference with an in-text superscript and a corresponding footnote.