What lead to its creation, what year(s) was it relevant, and what is its status today?

Choose a different media text to write about that the first paper, such as a book, film, song, video, musical artist, TV show, video game, or website/social media site that you believe has a notable cultural message.

1. Give a brief history/biography of the the text (book, film, song, video, tv show, video game, life of the artist, website, or social media site).

What lead to its creation, what year(s) was it relevant, and what is its status today?

2. Talk specifically about the book, film, TV show, song/musician, site, or video game. What is the genre/plot/theme(s)?

Use specific examples (quotations, lyrics, episodes, etc.) to illustrate your points. What kind of audience does it appeal to?

Discuss what you feel are the most relevant elements. 3. What is the cultural significance of the text?

What kind of message do you interpret in the text?

Does it have a quantifiable influence on society, and if so, can you use research to support this? Please note that this can be positive or negative depending on the text you choose and how you interpret it. This paper should be approximately four pages (1000 words). You will need to research to adequately cover all of the questions, therefore at least three credible sources will be required. Make certain to give proper citation for all of your sources used (both in-text and end of text) using Chicago style citation. Please review the rubric for the assignment before you submit it. Here is a link to Chicago Style citation method: https.//wwvv chicagomanualoistyle.org/tools citationguide/citation-guide-2.html