1. Open the Click and Learn Lifecycle of Yogurt Download Click and Learn
Lifecycle of Yogurt and go through the questions. That the powerpoint file.
2. Using a concept map template similar to the example (blueberry yogurt from
the click and learn), map out a life cycle analysis of two products of your choice.
1. Choose ONE that is fresh and local (e.g. sweet corn from Palm Beach
County, strawberries from Plant City (don’t forget plastic container)
2. Choose ONE that is processed (e.g. Velveeta Shells and Cheese,
canned chicken noodle soup)
3. Note: make sure you include the processing plant (found on back of package)
and where the packaging is made (i.e. https://www.thomasnet.com/articles/top-suppliers/c…
site. or https://batchgeo.com/map/d78e7b5e3ce5a158c25fd8798… -look for manufacturing plant) for
processed food.
4. Answer critical thinking questions.
5. Submit your assignment in a PowerPoint.
Critical Thinking Questions
1. How do the two concept maps differ in term of distance and processing?
2. With more ingredients and processing of foods, in what ways would that affect
the environment?
3. How can companies produce ready-to-eat foods more sustainably?
4. What can you do to eat more sustainably?