Write a summary of the newspaper article by paraphrasing the highlighted ideas from the classwork.

Newspaper Article Summary

Overview: This assignment will be split between classwork and homework. For the classwork assignment, you will read a newspaper article, separate the main ideas from the supporting ideas, and highlight the key information. For the homework assignment, you will paraphrase those main ideas into a single summary paragraph.


Homework Instructions:

  1. Write a summary of the newspaper article by paraphrasing the highlighted ideas from the classwork.
    • Don’t forget to start with an opening sentence (author’s name, publication date, and article topic/overall main idea) and end with a closing sentence (a paraphrase of the author’s key take-away)!
    • Make sure to use the 4 Words Test to check your paraphrasing!
  2. Highlight the sentences in your summary with the same colors from the article.
  3. Save and upload this document to the Newspaper Article Summary assignment in the Week 12 folder on Blackboard.


Remember that the work you submit must be YOUR own work, in accordance with the GMU honor code.