Answer the following based on the 1960 version of the film Psycho which is free to watch on Netflix.

Psycho 1960 Version: Editing relations between two or three consecutive shots

Answer the following based on the 1960 version of the film Psycho which is free to watch on Netflix.

6. Editing relations between two or three consecutive shots. Identify, draw and analyze two or three shots that illustrate a dominant editing strategy in the film and discuss the significance of these shots for that editing strategy (continuity or discontinuity editing; spatial, temporal, graphic, and/or rhythmic). For this response you should draw the shots rather than use stills from the film. (about half page of
text about 160 Words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages).

Requirements: about 160 Words Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages