What are the precautionary and security measures taken by SolarWinds?

Attention must be given to designing the research, numbering the pages, and creating an index for the entire search, including from the introduction to the conclusion.

1-Short introduction

2. Solar Winds Company Overview. Talking about the company’s situation in the field of cyber security.

3.Statement of the type of penetration.

4.the reason for the penetration, whether it was internal or external.

5.details of the penetration, and the tools and techniques used in the penetration, supported by pictures and evidence.

6. What are the precautionary and security measures taken by SolarWinds?

7. What are the company’s media reactions and did they acknowledge that?

8. What are the losses and damages caused by the attack, and approximately the total losses?

9. Clearly communicate the information and your conclusion of the incident.

10. The percentage of copies should not exceed 10%.

11- What are the actions taken by the company after the attack that occurred?

12. What is the status of the company after the attack? And what happened to the company’s customers?

13. List all sources.

14. Short conclusion


1.A presentation from the same topic, but a summary

2.Make your presentation deal with the limitations discussed

Confront him with the bids and opinions of the experts represented in the search for the cause; an offer

The problem / make / solution / and how it is possible

The proposal must include images of no more than 7 minutes in length

All information, all requirements, task A

3.The presentation must be accompanied by pictures

4. Attention must be paid to the presentation in proportion to the research, supported by pictures, and the addition of a short introduction and a short conclusion, and the presentation should not be less than 12 slides