Explain the EEOC’s role in this lawsuit.

Summative Assessment: EEOC Case Summary and Paper

Explore the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) website to learn more about this federal agency. Click the About EEOC tab and select Newsroom from the menu. Select a press release published within the last 6 months about an employee lawsuit against their employer.Search the internet to find at least 1 news item about this lawsuit, preferably from a news source in the state in which the incident occurred. Write an 800- to 1,000-word paper in which you do the following:

  • Briefly describe the lawsuit. Be sure to identify the compliance issue that led to the lawsuit and note the protected class or classes that were affected.
  • Explain the EEOC’s role in this lawsuit.
  • Research the company’s website to ascertain if there is a mission or value statement on diversity and inclusion. If so, comment on how the incident prompting the lawsuit aligns with the company’s stance on diversity and inclusion. If not, provide recommendations for at least 2 general strategies you would want them to include in a mission or value statement on diversity and inclusion.
  • Provide recommendations to the employer about at least 2 specific strategies or policies they could apply to ensure compliance with the issue related to the lawsuit and how those strategies could be implemented within the organization.
  • Discuss how this lawsuit and the compliance issue relate to diversity and inclusion within a larger social context.