How can the use of technology help with mitigation and preparedness for disasters?

Short essay Responses – Emergency Management
1. Oftentimes, local and state governments/agencies have a good understanding of their constituent’s needs, and the state agencies are composed of individuals that drive the same roads, eat at the same restaurants, and get gas at the same pumps as them. This kind of connection will foster efficient services as they know and experience the same lifestyle as their constituents. This is especially seen in politics, as oftentimes individuals interact with national politics and ignore local and state political activity. In my opinion, this is wrong, as the federal government is certainly important and you should be involved with who represents your state/district in D.C. However, at the state level, many major issues are being decided every day by state-elected representatives and senators that attain office with a small faction of their constituent vote. For example, many issues regarding the quality of life are decided at the state level like healthcare policies, abortion, civil rights, environmental regulation, and marijuana laws.
Elaborate more as to why it is important to be involved with representatives at the state level? Minimum of 150 words. Do not exceed 165 words. Citations and reference are not need.

2. Mitigation and Preparedness
How can the use of technology help with mitigation and preparedness for disasters? Minimum of 50 words.

3. Even though Florida and Oklahoma are different, there are some standard practices in mitigation that they will have in common. All mitigation begins with planning.
Why is planning so important in mitigation and preparedness? 50 words minimum.