1. Do nothing. SWFWMD had made relatively unsuccessful efforts in the past to move towards knowledge management procedures. Should SWFWMD continue these efforts to help change the culture of the organization by making EDM a top priority?
2. Upgrade the existing PCs. This option offers many short-term benefits. Would upgrading the existing PCs also be able to provide a sustainable EDM strategy?
3. Installing more powerful servers. SWFWMD presently has their own dedicated servers where data for the scientific models is collected and stored. Installing more powerful servers would make data storage more efficient and the data center has adequate resources to handle new
4. Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS). Cloud-based computing offers an attractive long-term solution. The district had seen certain information systems within their district successfully move to the cloud. The biggest concern was how to integrate existing systems with cloud vendors?
How would data security and availability be affected?