What is Jiro’s sourcing strategy (i.e., what is his strategy for purchasing fish, rice, etc)? What are some costs, benefits, and risks of this strategy

Please watch the movie “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”. You can watch in one of the following links (Would suggest using online summary website instead of watching movie to answer questions)

Please watch the movie before the class on March 30th. Then, by April 4th, answer the following questions:

Question 1 (10 points)

What makes Sukiyabashi Jiro one of the best sushi restaurants in the world?

Question 2 (10 points)

What is Jiro’s sourcing strategy (i.e., what is his strategy for purchasing fish, rice, etc)? What are some costs, benefits, and risks of this strategy?

Question 3 (10 points)

A consultant approaches Jiro with a “business improvement” suggestion. The consultant suggests a new sourcing process for Jiro to reduce his operating expenses. In this new sourcing process, Jiro would determine quality specifications for the fish, rice, vinegar, and other ingredients that he needs. Then, every few months, his son (together with the consultant) would find suppliers that promise to meet the quality specifications at the lowest price and reasonable delivery times. Do you think Jiro should pursue the consultant’s suggestion? Please explain why or why not.

Question 4 (30 points)

Several elements of Jiro’s sourcing strategy resemble those of Toyota and Honda. Read the following article on how Toyota and Honda manage supplier relationships: HBR – Building Deep Supplier Relationships.pdf


Given the information you saw in the movie and read in the article, explain three similarities between how Jiro manages his supplier relationships and Toyota and Honda manage theirs. Also, explain at least one key difference in sourcing strategies.

Question 5 (20 points)

Several elements of how Jiro manages his restaurant’s internal operations illustrate what is known as the “Toyota DNA” (or the Toyota Production System”). Read the following article on the Toyota Production System: HBR – Decoding the DNA of the TPS.pdf


. Explain how three of the four “rules” described by the article are implemented in Jiro’s restaurant. Which scenes of the movie illustrate these steps?

Question 6 (10 points)

What aspects of Jiro’s business model are scalable (i.e. are easy to standardize, grow, and replicate to other restaurants)? What aspects are not scalable? Why?

Question 7 (10 points)

What aspects of the movie did you find most relevant and applicable to your own life? Why?