Similar but Updated Questions
- Re-visualizing the number of self-talks:Instead of visualizing the number of total occurrence of self-talks in each week, plot the unique number of students showing the self-talk per each week.
- Visualize the number of students per week showing the following definition of “gaming the system” behavior
- The number of students whose lastmessage in the cohort is [1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours] after 00:00 on each week’s Monday
- The number of students whose firstmessage in the cohort is [1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours] before 12:00 (noon) on each week’s Wednesday
- When visualizing the graph, please plot or print all of the graphs with different thresholds within a single notebook cell.
- Using PageRank centrality measure, run a statistical testing on the difference in these cohesion metrics between a group that contains at least 1 member with “gaming the system” behavior vs. a group that does not contain any.
- For the definition of “gaming the system”, please select any one of the four definitions that we have explored that interest you.
- When running a statistical testing, note that you would have to treat each week as a “blocking factor”