Which thread most intrigues you? Are the theories it connects objective or interpretive? What communication principle that you’ve learned or discovered isn’t represented in this chapter? Why do you think it’s missing?

1. Which thread most intrigues you? Are the theories it connects objective or
interpretive? What communication principle that you’ve learned or discovered isn’t
represented in this chapter? Why do you think it’s missing?
2. Which theories presented in this book are your personal favorites?
Do they tend to line up with a thread or principle, come out of a single scholarly
tradition , or address a particular communication context?
3. In Figure 37–1, some theories appear in quite a few more threads than others.
Can you spot a pattern that explains this uneven distribution?
4. What questions do you have about communication that weren’t addressed
by any of the theories covered in this book? Under what communication contexts
would theories that speak to these issues it best?