Outline specific examples of how culture, spirituality, and religion influence health practices

Understanding Review of Systems and Cultural Assessment.

Review of System: The Review of Systems (ROS) is an inventory of the body systems obtained through a series of questions to identify signs and symptoms that the patient may be experiencing.

  • Name at least six systems that would be included in a ROS.
  • What questions would you ask your patient in the six systems you identified?
  • How would you document that data collected?
  • Do the ROS data collected considered Objective or subjective data why?

Cultural Assessment:

  • Outline specific examples of how culture, spirituality, and religion influence health practices.
  • Discuss how social assessment information obtained in a culturally competent manner can improve the planning and implementation of health care services and address the disparities in health care among culturally diverse groups.
  • Identify nursing diagnoses related to cultural nursing assessments.
  • What type of data is cultural assessment and why?

In a 3-4 page paper, answer the above question in paragraph form, using APA professional format. Include at least two references, A minimum of one from an Englished titled peer-reviewed Nursing Journal and one from your textbook.