What might you explore when assessing Janice through this lens?

Scenario: Janice is a single 25 year old veteran who just returned from serving for one year in Afghanistan.  She is having trouble finding a job and is struggling to support herself.  Although Janice wants to work, she finds it difficult because of the depressed economy in her town, her lack of job skills and several health problems. Among other symptoms, Janice suffers from severe migraine headaches and symptoms of PTSD, and she has trouble sleeping and concentrating.  The stress caused by unemployment, by health problems, and by the experiences she had while serving in the army has caused Janice to wish sometimes that she could fins a way out and not feel so bad all the time.


Applying Freud

What might you explore when assessing Janice through this lens?


Based on this theory, what are the potential causes for her current challenges?




Applying Erikson

What might you explore when assessing Janice through this lens?


Based on this theory, what are the potential causes for her current challenges?