Why are INCOTERMS important for developing a price quotation?

Please Response to each question should be 2 to 3 paragraphs. 400-500 words.

Each question needs to Have in-text citations and references. (3) Three in-text citations and (3) three references.

Answer the following questions using information contained within the module, text, and additional research.

Be sure to cite and support your claims, facts, and arguments:

  • The #1 reason for failure is that firms begin before they are ready. So what do firms need to do to be prepared to export?
  • What resources are available using a Freight Forwarder?
  • Why are INCOTERMS important for developing a price quotation?
  • Why are commodity supercycles important, especially in developing new electric vehicles?
  • Explain how companies and countries have adjusted for swings in commodity prices.
  • It has been argued that too many imports into the U.S. hurt local economies and small businesses. On the other hand, opponents believe that imports have a positive effect as they promote price competition and ultimately benefit consumers. Take a stand, and support your position. Are imports good or bad for the U.S. economy and customers?