What are the different requirements for the system?

5 Driver Pass Interview Transcript
This transcript contains two different sections. The first is from the interview between representatives
from your consulting company, Sam and Jennifer, and representatives from your client, Driver Pass. The
second part of the transcript is a conversation between Sam and Jennifer about the schedule for the
Driver Pass project.

Take notes as you read and focus on capturing details about what the client, Driver Pass, wants from
their system. The following questions may help guide your thinking:

What does the client want the system to do?

Who will be the different users of the system? What will each user need to be able to do?

What are the different requirements for the system?

How can you organize the schedule in a meaningful way?

Remember to refer back to your notes and this interview as you complete the work for Projects One and
Two. Check to make sure that your notes and designs capture what the client needs