Identify at least one point from the video titled Starting a Business that relate to business ethics.

Post 1 Answer the following questions (80 points)

  • Research business ethics for a good definition. Where does this definition come from? Is your source a respected source for business information?
  • Consider the following scenario. You work for an entertainment company located in Dallas, Texas. Your boss has told you that the company has hired an accounting firm to value the assets of the company. You look at the company books and realize something might be wrong with the asset valuation made by the accounting firm. But you’re not sure, since you’re not an accountant. You realize that if the stock price goes up in the next 6 months, you will get a very nice bonus. You talk to your boss about your discovery. Her response was odd. What, if anything, should you do? Why?
  • When responding to this topic find sources with knowledge of business ethics. Find researchers, writers, or practitioners in the field who write about business ethics or who advise businesses on ethics. Refer to these experts by name as you respond to the topic. Explain where the articles were located (examples, Forbes” or the Wall Street Journal), who the experts are, and what did the experts say about the topic. Don’t simply respond with an opinion. What did the expert you researched advise you about this situation? How did your sources help you in responding to your supervisor?
  • Identify at least one point from the video titled Starting a Business that relate to business ethics.