What have you done to cope with the emotions and events that have come up during this time?

What Are The Long Term Effects Of Stress On Your Mental Health?

200 words minimum

In your post, please reflect on and answer the following questions in detail:

  1. Describe a long-term stressful situation (6 month minimum) or series of events and how it has affected your mental or emotional health. (This can include both positive and negative emotions.)
  2. What have you done to cope with the emotions and events that have come up during this time?

For this post, share only what you are comfortable discussing

After submitting that we need to also write replies to at least two of your peers’ posts, with a minimum of 150 words each. Please include a detailed response to BOTH of the following questions in your replies:

  1. Comment on how you can specifically relate to what they are experiencing.
  2. Offer words of encouragement or coping advice.