Explain how the theme applies to each of the two groups.

Comparing and contrasting culture

comparing and contrasting culture, position in the nation, and/or history as it applies to two ethic groups/racial groups in latin america. (Asian/Indigenous/Black) that we have looked at this term. The central question you should answer is “How have race/ethnicity impacted Latin America over time?” This is relatively open ended to allow you to explore different demographics, cultures, or nations covered this term.

  • Use at least 6 sources in your final. At least 4 examples must come from the readings but the other two may be lecture, documentaries, etc. Do not use outside resources.
  • Use a quote that clearly exemplifies each example and your argument.
  • Explain how the theme applies to each of the two groups.
  • Explain how the theme is similar or different between groups
  • Be specific about the time period you are talking about, for example, the role of the Indigenous in Latin America would be very different in 1550 compared to 1850 or 2000.
  • Have an introduction, conclusion, and clear writing.
  • Quotes should be integrated into writing, not standalone sentences.
  • A complete bibliography/reference page and citations for all quoted and unquoted examples/evidence you provide.