Explain which form you’ve chosen (symbol, metaphor, etc.) and what it means. If it’s a simile or metaphor, look at the two things that are being compared and try to figure out the relationship between them; then, explain that relationship.

Choose one simile, metaphor, or symbol from any of the poems “The Passionate Shepherd to His Love,” “The Nymph’s Reply…” and “Pulled over in Short Hills, NJ….” . (Be sure to identify the poem, quote the image, and cite the line number.) Please explain which form you’ve chosen (symbol, metaphor, etc.) and what it means. If it’s a simile or metaphor, look at the two things that are being compared and try to figure out the relationship between them; then, explain that relationship. If it’s a symbol, explain what it stands for, and explain how you know that from the context it’s used in.

Don’t use first or second person in your paragraph (you or I); instead use third person (he/she/they) or nouns (author, writer, or an actual name, like Brooks).