What is the significance of this argument in terms of the history of Ethics that we’ve considered in this class?/How would you situate his/her argument within the history of Ethics?

Using the article/chapter attached, compose a 2-page (double-spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) explanation and analysis of the author’s argument. In your paper,answer the following three questions in essay form:

What is he/she arguing?/What is the author trying to convince the reader of?
How exactly does he/she make their case for this claim?/What evidence and reasoning do they employ?
What is the significance of this argument in terms of the history of Ethics that we’ve considered in this class?/How would you situate his/her argument within the history of Ethics?
These will be graded on the basis of careful explanation of the author’s ideas, citation of the source (page #s) each time you refer to it, use of clear expression and organization, and thoughtful engagement with the author’s ideas.