What have you learned that you can apply to your own life with regards to forming character through confession and community?

Social Science Question

Read Chapters 10-14 in the textbook by Allender. – Write a 3 to 5-page paper addressing the following points. – Provide a strong introduction and conclusion on the important points of leading with a limp. (use resource attached below) – Part 1: What have you learned that you can apply to your own life with regards to decision-making? Provide specific examples and insights into how you can change your decision-making behaviors. (1-2 pages) –

Part 2: What have you learned that you can apply to your own life with regards to forming character through confession and community? Provide specific examples and insights into how you can change your decision-making behaviors. (1-2 pages) –

Part 3: What have you learned that you can apply to your own life with regards to “Trinitarian” leadership? Do you have kings, priests, and prophets in your life? In what ways do you serve in any of those roles, and/or in what ways can you do a better job of fulfilling those roles? Provide specific examples and insights into how you can change your decision-making behaviors. (1-2 pages)