How would we evaluate the moral rightness or wrongness of Kozlowski’s actions applying the theory of ethical egoism?

Click on the link below and read the case of Dennis Kozlowski, former CEO of Tyco:

Dennis Kozlowski: Living Large

Please answer separately

POST 1 (minimum 250 words)

Apply BOTH the theories of psychological and ethical egoism to this case. How would we analyze the motivation of Kozlowski’s actions applying the theory of psychological egoism? How would we evaluate the moral rightness or wrongness of Kozlowski’s actions applying the theory of ethical egoism? (In answering these questions keep in mind the legal issues in this case, and how these legal issues might relate to the application of ethical egoism.)

POST 2 (minimum 200 words)

Do you think Kozlowski did anything morally wrong? Explain your answer; in your explanation apply at least one moral theory we have studied in the class that supports your judgment in this case. Reflect on your own values as well and how they figure in your judgment.