How do your ACEs score impact your interaction with infants/toddlers and their families? Please provide 5 different paragraphs on different scores

  • Watch the 2 videos below of Dr. Nadine Harris Burke explaining ACEs and how trauma impacts children.
  • Complete the ACEs questionnaire
  1. Links to an external site.. Be sure to read the explanation of your score.
  2. Answer the following questions. This assignment is confidential. You do not need to tell me what your ACEs score is.
    1. After reading your ACEs score, what things came to your mind? Please provide 5 different paragraphs on different scores
    2. How do your ACEs score impact your interaction with infants/toddlers and their families? Please provide 5 different paragraphs on different scores
    3. What are some strategies you could use to build resilience in infants and toddlers? Please provide 5 different paragraphs on different scores

Understanding ACEs with Dr. Nadie Burke Harris

How Childhood Trauma Affects Health Across the Lifetime