Determine what type of governance structure is used by the nursing staff. What do nurses see as the positive and negative aspects of their governance structure? Do they feel that they are important contributors in this structure?

1. Obtain the organizational chart of a local health care facility.
Examine it to see how nursing fits into the overall structure.
Who reports to the CNE, and to whom does the CNE report?
What other administrative staff members are on the same level
with the nurse executive?
2. Consider the four types of nursing care delivery systems (team,
primary, case management, and patient-centered care) from the
viewpoint of the patient. If you were a patient, which system
would you prefer? Why?
3. Look at the same issue from the standpoint of the nurse. Which
system would you find most satisfying in terms of your
practice? Which would you like least?
4. Determine what type of governance structure is used by the
nursing staff. What do nurses see as the positive and negative
aspects of their governance structure? Do they feel that they are
important contributors in this structure?
5. Consider this question: Is access to health care a basic human
right or a privilege? Be able to defend your position.
6. What process should be used to determine how health care
resources are allocated? List criteria you would suggest to
determine whether or not a person should receive a kidney
transplant, a hip replacement, or a bone marrow transplant.
7. Should people with healthy behaviors pay the same for care or
insurance as those whose habits result in a greater likelihood of
illness? How could such a differentiation be determined?
8. Consider some things you as an individual nurse can do to
become more cost aware and participate in managing health
care costs