Create a GUI that implements the game “Hangman”. For the rules of the game, please refer to:

Write OOP Java Program: Hangman GUI

Create a GUI that implements the game “Hangman”. For the rules of the game, please refer to:

Your GUI must include the following:

  • A place to enter the word to be guessed. This must be hidden somehow so the guesser cannot see it.
  • The number of guesses the guesser has left
  • The incorrect letters guessed so far
  • Progressively draw the hangman diagram as the guesser guesses the wrong letters.
  • You must use the Java Graphics or Graphics 2D class (see Chapter 13 in the 10th edition) *textbook attached in zip. This needs to be a simple stick diagram as shown in the Wikipedia article referenced earlier.
  • A place for the guesser to enter letters
  • Readout for displaying the number of characters in the word and which ones the guesser has guessed.
  • Indication of when the game is over