Identify and describe the phases of the traditional nurse-patient relationship.

Communication and Collaboration
in Professional Nursing
• Describe therapeutic use of self.
• Identify and describe the phases of the traditional nurse-patient
• Differentiate between social and professional relationships.
• Explore the role self-awareness plays in the ability to use
nonjudgmental acceptance as a helping technique.
• Explain the concept of professional boundaries.
• Discuss factors creating successful or unsuccessful communication.
• Evaluate helpful and unhelpful communication techniques.
• Identify strategies in providing care to patients who do not speak
• Understand the roles of professional interpreters and translators.
• Identify their own communication strengths and challenges.
• Demonstrate components of active listening.
• Identify key aspects of collaboration.
• Explain the effects of gender, cultural, and generational diversity on
nurse-patient and nurse- colleague relationships.