What criteria were used to select the subjects?

Background: The Promise of Poop, 8/30/13 issue of Science: Section A

  1. Links to an external site.

Section A
: Briefly summarize the background article in a language & style that you’d use in telling your classmates this. Don’t repeat the title of the article, authors, etc. Use your own words; no quotes. Word count: 100-250 words

Section B: concisely answer the questions, labeled 1-8, in your own words. Don’t re-state the questions. Word count: 100-300 words

Intro: (1) Why is this study important? (2) What is the authors’ hypothesis?

Methods: (3) What criteria were used to select the subjects?

(4) What criteria were used to select the donors?

(5) This was a randomized controlled trial; what does this mean?

Results: (6) What does the data table show?

(7) Did the study results support the authors’ hypothesis?

Discussion: (8) What are some unanswered questions?

Label the sections of your writing as A,B. the total word count for both sections: 300-550. Put word count at end of each section, & total word count at end.