Identify and explain the concepts of evolution, the scientific method, and the role of genetics within evolution.

Identify and explain the concepts of evolution, the scientific method, and the role of genetics within evolution.
Use the principles of genetics and evolution to help explain/analyze evolutionary change and variability.
Create written assignments that follow assigned rubric requirements, and demonstrate college-level writing skills.
Download the “Who’s Your Daddy?” worksheet.
Choose the Novice option and complete the worksheet using information in the tutorial.
Be sure to follow all steps. There are 3 family sets. You will be matching 3 babies to the most likely set of parents.
Submit the worksheet as a .doc, .rtf or .pdf to the appropriate dropbox.
How to Make a Punnett Square


How to Make a Punnett Square

Learn Biology: How to Draw a Punnett Square (YouTube video)

Dominant vs. Recessive