Choose between Facebook, Pfizer, Microsoft, JetBlue and Pepsi. That’s a wonderful variety of companies from which to choose.

Choose between Facebook, Pfizer, Microsoft, Jet Blue and Pepsi. That’s a wonderful variety of companies from which to choose.

Perform an analysis of the situation facing the company using at least one conceptual framework from each of chapters 1-6 (60 points). (Strategic Management 5th Edition, By Frank Rothaermel)

Financial analysis is expected and does not count as a framework (20 points). Evaluation of the financial statements (balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flow) would be helpful. The book also mentions various useful ratios for assessing the company.

What are your recommendations for the CEO? (20 points).

The page limit is 15 pages (not counting cover page, table of contents and references). That is a page limit, not an expectation or requirement.

Please create a table of contents. Please use the table of contents to indicate which chapter and framework you are using in that section.

Turnitin will be on. You should be aiming for single digits on Turnitin. I will deduct points for Turnitin scores over single digits.