What is the probability of getting a 0?

COBU 306 Business Analytics I Exam Two
Problem 1
Experiment: Rolling a die
Sample Space: S = f1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6g
Probabilities: Each sample point has a 1=6 chance of occurring
(a) What is the probability of getting a 0?
(b) What is the probability of getting a 3?
(c) What is the probability of getting a 10?
Problem 2
S = f(B; B); (B; G); (G; B); (G; G)g
A = f(B; B); (G; G)g
B = f(B; B); (B; G); (B; G)g
(a) True or False. P (A) > P (B)
(b) P (A [ B) <