What rating does the Value Line give in the upper left? Do you agree with this? Why or why not?

Page I- Value Line (One Page)
Obtain the one-page copy of the Value Line report of your company from the Reference Section of the library and include a copy in your term project. The Reference Desk has a copy of the Value Line book. You need to use the book and make a copy from here. You may also be able to obtain this online but make sure it is the one-page report in format similar to the example on the course site. (Please take a look at the Walmart Value Line icon on our course home page to see what a Value Line report looks like). Use this one-page Value Line report to answer the following questions. Use a current Value Line report that is no more than 18 months old.

1- You are a stockbroker at Merrill Lynch. Give three well thought out reasons as to why you would call your clients to sell them this stock. Remember, you work on full commission and have to be very persuasive while doing what is in the ‘best interests’ of the clients.

2- Explain and detail the earnings per share of this company over the last five years. What kind of trend do you notice? Why is this happening?

3- Summarize what the write up on the bottom half of the Value Line states.

4- What rating does the Value Line give in the upper left? Do you agree with this? Why or why not? (The ratings go from 1 to 5 with 1 being the best rating).


Page II- Company Website (One Page)
Company Website
1- What is your opinion of your company’s mission statement and why is it important? (Do not copy the mission statement).

2- Discuss four ways the company has been innovative over the years.

3- You are the new CEO of the company. Discuss four innovative ideas you will present to the Board of Directors to increase sales and customer satisfaction.

4- As the new CEO, how are you going to motivate employees to take the company to the next level? List four ways you are going to do this. You cannot give pay raises.


Part III- The 4 P’s of Marketing (One Page)
1- Discuss how the 4 P’s of marketing relate to your company’s products or services. Discuss each of the 4 P’s and do not give a definition of what the 4 P’s are.


Page IV- Ethics and Social Responsibility (One Page)
1-Look at your company’s website and what is your opinion of what it states about ethics and social responsibility. Do not copy the ethics or social responsibility policy.

2- Why should a company be ethical and socially responsible?

3- What four steps would you take to improve the ethics of your company?

4-Your company is about to go bankrupt and tens of thousands of jobs are at stake. Should the US government spend billions of dollars to bail out your company like GM and Bank of America? Is this ethical because of poor management and competition? What about the US taxpayer?


Page V- President of the United States (One Page)
You have just been elected President of the United States of America and you have to get the economy going and reduce unemployment. Discuss what your plan is regarding each of the following four concepts:
1- Should the United States continue running federal budget deficits or have a balanced budget?

2- Do you favor free trade with other countries or protectionism?

3- Should federal income taxes be increased or decreased to help the economy?

4-How will you help entrepreneurs open a new business to help create new jobs and assist in innovation in the United States so we can remain economically strong?

• You must have a Table of Contents listing the format of your term project. This will be the page after the cover sheet. Please do not copy and paste all the questions on to the Table of Contents.