What do you find most important when selecting a mate? What characteristics are most important to you?

Remember how the discussion assignments work. You need to respond to one discussion question with an essay of 400-600 words with at least two references. This is due by 11:59 pm (Central Time) on Thursday. By Sunday, you need to submit two video responses to people who, ideally, answered questions other than the one you answered. Video responses should be meaningful and be between 1:30 and 2:00 minutes in length.

include the question you are answering at the beginning of the posting. If you notice that several people have answered a particular question, try to answer a different one. The more different discussion topics we have, the better.

Here are the questions for Week Three:

1. Myers indicates that the underlying assumption of evolutionary psychology is that humans are gene-producing machines with the basic motivation of perpetuating their own genetic pool. Our genes predispose us to act in ways that enhance our chances of surviving and spreading. This fundamental motive underlies all behavior. What are your thoughts on that premise? Cite research both for and against your view of this evolutionary psychology belief.

2. What do you find most important when selecting a mate? What characteristics are most important to you? An exciting personality, industriousness, physical attractiveness, or good financial prospects? How about the age of a potential partner? Could they be older, same age, or younger? How about a significant age difference? Be truthful to yourself and do not select criteria based on what you think is most socially appropriate. Now, talk about your mate selection based on evolutionary psychology and how biology may play a role in what you find most attractive.

3. Have you ever thought about the socially-based labels we assign to people of different genders? In the text, there was a reference to males being assigned more positive terms than females. For example, research investigating the ratemyprofessor.com site found certain language used to describe female professors far more than male professors, and vice versa. Follow the link in the following article to the interactive chart to see which words students use for male professors and which words they more commonly used for female professors (https://thinkprogress.org/students-see-male-professors-as-brilliant-geniuses-female-professors-as-bossy-and-annoying-5dd018d5a785/#.7riud64c0). Discuss this topic and cite at least one additional study on the topic.

4. Most countries have a degree of diversity, that is becoming more prominent in our interconnected world. Two terms used to describe a person’s integration into another society are assimilation and acculturation. What are the similarities and differences between these terms?

5. Pick a classic conformity and obedience study from the text and discuss it. How was the study set up and what were the researchers trying to measure? What were the results of the study? Was this a true experimental design or another form or research? What are the limitations of the study? Any ethical concerns about the study that may have existed when it was completed or now?

6. Is disorder contagious? According to the research (http://bps-research-digest.blogspot.com/2008/12/signs-of-petty-crime-such-as-litter-and.html), people are more likely to litter, violate rules, and steal when in a disorderly environment, such as one strewn with graffiti or litter. As in many of the examples of contagion Myers and Twenge note in Chapter 6, often the “infected” person is unaware of the source of the influence. Of course, we often are aware when there are incivilities in our environment. What uncivil behaviors bother you the most? Why? How does your view of uncivil behavior compare to that of the general society?