What is your position on the topic after the benefit of your research? Is there possible follow on work to be done?

Select any topic from the chapters discussed during class and craft a 20 page paper (not including Title Page, references, etc) using the following outline:

Introduction: Tell your readers what your paper will be about. Highlight the major points and topics that you will be discussing. Summarize your concept/model/theory/approach that you will be using to tell your story.
In-depth discussion about your topic. Historical trends, projections, status, what happened during COVID to affect your topic? Use graphs and tables to enhance your argument. Pictures are also good. Please be sure to cite and reference your work correctly (according to APA 7th). Use subheadings to isolate major topics.
Conclusions/Summary should summarize and conclude your discussion with the reader. Emphasize major points made in the paper, come to a conclusion about your work. What is your position on the topic after the benefit of your research? Is there possible follow on work to be done?