Discuss the significance of the quotation in relation to the larger ideas of the story.

Answering three questions by reading three short stories

Write three coherent passages (each 300 word total) for three passages (quotations from three different short stories). The answer should be 300 words total for each quotation but it has to be divided in three sections because three quetions has to be answer for each quotation.

(1) Identify the name of the short story and the author. Situate the quotation in terms of plot (i.e. at what point in the story does this quotation appear?).

(2) Identify the theme of this quotation, and analyze how this theme is conveyed (eg: through the use of a particular sentence structure, rhetorical questions, repetition, symbol, metaphor, simile, etc.).

(3) Discuss the significance of the quotation in relation to the larger ideas of the story.