What are the norms that you have lived by? What is the impact of these?

Reading/ listening/ watching:

We can do hard things — ALOK: What makes us beautiful?


Further Reading:



JOURNAL REFLECTION PROMPT/ Please write a breif response to these to submit on canvas here, but you can journal for longer on each of these questions.

Noticing norms in society
What are social norms?
What are the norms that you have lived by?
What is the impact of these?

What are the stories that you learned about your Gender expression?

What are other reflections or reactions listening to this conversation with Alok? With Ocean Vuong?

FOR STORY CIRCLE, Please write a short outline of what your object is and what story you will tell about the object.

Bring in an object or piece of clothing that represents a way you have embodied Gender Norms. Or how you have gone against Gender Norms, or re-imagined what is possible and express authentically.

You will share the object and the story behind it in Story Circle. This is like a Show and Tell, but with a structure of narrative.