What are this population’s demographics and how have these demographics changed over the past ten years?

Instructions for Health Disparities Virtual Windshield Survey Assignment

population from the following:


                        LGBTQ COMMUNITY


  1. In essay format, write a 2–3-page report to address the following:
  2. What are this population’s demographics and how have these demographics changed over the past ten years?
  3. What health disparities are found in this population (may include potential health disparities as well).
  4. What social determinants affect this population?
  5. Identify and describe at least three resources for this population and explain how these resources can improve/impact this population’s quality of life.
  6. How will this information apply to your nursing practice, and how do you think it will affect your nursing practice moving forward? As a nurse, how would you advocate for the members of this population?
  7. Be sure to use APA format paying close attention to spelling and grammar. APA for title page, in-text citations, reference page.