How would you describe your own contribution to your team and the client project thus far? What are your goals for improvement for the remainder of the semester?

Mid-term Integration Paper: The Integration Paper provides an opportunity to
demonstrate understanding of the reading and its relevance to your work in this class.
The task is to consider how the readings are informing both your work in class sessions as well as in your team meetings and should reflect the integration of theory and practice. The following questions serve as prompts for your thinking and writing:
1) How did the Kahn book, other readings and lectures come to life as you worked on
the various assignments in your team and in the class as a whole?
2) How are covert processes affecting your work as a team? Using the framework
provided by Marshak, talk about what your team needs to do to address its covert
3) How would you describe your own contribution to your team and the client project
thus far? What are your goals for improvement for the remainder of the semester?