Briefly describe why you selected the rating that you did.

1. Global Mindset and Cultural Awareness Competencies: “People with a global mindset seek out diversity because they have an innate curiosity for new and exciting ways of experiencing the world. They don’t mind the initial discomfort of stepping into new environments if it means they are better, and smarter for it”. (Managing with a GLOBAL MINDSET —4 Core Competencies For Organisational Success – The Leadership Institute) “A global mindset can be simply defined as, the ability to integrate cultural awareness about self and others and function effectively in different cultural contexts. It takes personal development and flexibility”. (Developing Cultural Competency: Leading with a Global Mindset – Part 1 • BetterManager) On a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest, after completing the Intercultural Management assignment, please rate how you feel about the strength of your global mindset and cultural awareness.
2. Please briefly describe why you selected the rating that you did.