Discuss the many forms of misconduct by the District Attorney in American Violet. Discuss the many forms of misconduct by Tom Coleman in “Tulia.”

Criminal Justice

American Violet:https://www.veoh.com/watch/v20222794N26NSAe5?h1=American%20Violet

Tulia: https://youtu.be/3L12vlIdNuU

watch American Violet and Tulia located in Module 6 Videos.

Using Microsoft Word, write a 2-page minimum reflection paper that addresses all of the following:

1. Discuss the many forms of misconduct by the District Attorney in American Violet. Discuss the many forms of misconduct by Tom Coleman in “Tulia.”

2. List the many ways lives were affected and destroyed in American Violet (even if only temporarily) based on the DA’s misconduct and by the terribly policies of the police to get “no-knock” warrants? (Remember, even though it was legal to get that no-knock warrant in that manner at that time doesn’t make it right! Legality does not always equal ethical). List the many ways lives were ruined in Tulia.

a. Be specific in discussing characters (e.g. Dee [real name Regina Kelly], Gladys [real name Erma Faye Stewart], the children, and even the family of the DA, etc.)

3. Discuss emotions felt while watching both videos throughout your reflection paper. Why did you feel this way when viewing?

4. Why is it important to learn about these cases?

Submission Format

Your paper should include:

  • Name, date, and course in top right/left corner
  • Typed, double spaced; type the question AND answer. Put the question in “bold” format; answer NOT bolded.
  • 12pt. Times New Roman font ONLY
  • 1-inch margins on all 4 sides of the paper
  • Proofread your paper: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization count.
  • Submit your files as a DOCX. or PDF file